Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Launch - 3 Weeks

Dear Monkey,

We are now inside one month of the birth window and you are about the size of a honeydew melon equivlent to 5 ¼ pounds. I went to visit the doc yesterday and she said you sound great. Right now you are movin around like no one’s business. I know there can’t be a lot of room in there and it seems you take issue when I sit, stand, lie down or breathe.

Next week your dad and I get to take a peek at you. I am really excited, I know you are there because you remind every say…five or so minutes. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Although we won’t officially meet for a few more weeks seeing you on TV is the next best thing.

Your dad and I finished your room this past weekend. I know you won’t be in it for a while but it helps to have it done now so it won’t take time away from getting to know you. I hope you enjoy your room, we have taken care to have aspects of all of us there to keep you feeling safe and secure and to remind you your family is around you at all times.

I had what I believe to be my first dream about you a week or so ago. I’m actually surprised I haven’t had any sooner but I wonder if it because I’ve done this before and I’m not as freaked out as I was when I was carrying your brother. I don’t remember much about the dream but I remember you had BIG…HUGE…GYNORMOUS blue eyes and you were sooo cute.

See, your mom is a big eye person, it is one of the first things I notice about a person. I don’t care what color your eyes are because they will be beautiful regardless…they will be yours. I just can’t wait to squeeze your cheeks!


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